
Wednesday is the "College T-shirt" day on Soar Prep campus!


Attention 4th period students!   Our room will get cleaned on Mondays.  So please put the chairs up on top of the desk before leaving your class!  I appreciate your cooperation!

Thank you~!!

Mrs. Sorensen is missing two pairs of her scissors.  Did anyone accidentally put them in the backpack and take them home?   I appreciate it if you check and see.  I hope to keep all of our classroom supplies intact.  Thank you.

9/4/12 (Tuesday)

Some of you still have not turned in H.W. #2 (Student Questionnaire).  It's worth 100 points on the regular homework weight (20%).  Please check your PowerSchool and if you are one of the students who have not earned this homework credit, please make sure to claim it.  For your convenience, I posted the assignment below.

9/10/12 (Monday)
It is very critical that you update your Individual Grade Management Chart daily.  After the progress report comes out this week, you will receive the Quarterly Report in mid October.  If you have not turned in your missing assignments by then, you will receive "0" for anything missing, that includes missed quizzes and tests.  Let's check the PowerSchool and take an action now!   Please make an appointment for taking missed quizzes and tests.

9/19/12 (Wednesday)
As it is posted on my whiteboard in the classroom, this is just a reminder that all of the missing assignments will be graded this weekend.  If they are not turned in by Friday, you will receive zero for each Homework assignment not turned in.  Warning:  If you have more than two missing assignments, you will see a significant grade drop at this time.  As you turn in the assignments, you will still earn half points (50) until I close for Q1 report.

10/24-25/12 (Wedesday)(Thursday)
7th and 8th graders will be taking a "Benchmark" test during AVID period. This is for the school to see where you are at in math at this time.  It will not be a part of your grade, but please do your best!

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2012

